Beyond the limits of a simple canvas slave

A slave is used as a simple canvas for her Owner, to show off to her friends

It was the first of September, the day I always remember, birds were singing all around my head, just a cell song interrupted the quiet atmosphere, all the sudden a sweat and at the same time firm voice resound on my hears.

D: Slave, I need a canvas sizes 24X12 and hurry up, I want you in my studio by 12:00, move on.

S: As you order My Goddess

Quickly  I jumped into my car and drove fast enough as to squeeze my car as a lemon

Painting section, department of canvas, size  20X10 was the chosen one.

Ten minutes later, Couldn´t drive faster  my hatch back, so the first thing I felt once the door was opened and My Goddess Long nails in front of me, was a tremendous slap on my face following a kick  in between.

D: You are late. 10 minutes will cost you a special punishment.

S: mmmffffmmmmmm

I couldn´t stand up, from the kick, so she grabbed me by the hair and pull me inside.

I took out the canvas from my bag and a fast slap after another and another and…. I went unconscious for a minute or so.

D: Damn it, second fault. You didn´t pay enough attention. Size is wrong.

I went towards her on bended knees kissing her black shinny boots, but a bunch of destroying slaps mixed with terrible kicks got me like inside a nirvana.

Her sadistic and fetish imagination had no limits. When I woke up after my dizzy experience, I found up my body tied up to the ceiling by two elastic ropes and the legs were spread out with two more ropes, one for each leg, and her sweaty panties on my mouth.

A  silky hand run up my back, and Goddess Long nails said:

D: hahahahahahaha, your back would be the perfect canvas for my creations.

Her maniac laugh made me go harder like a Canadian log, frenetically palpitating, She saw this, and careless left her smock  upon my erected penis, she started bringing all the tools for decorating my wide and spread out back. First she poured some sticky liquid on my back, maybe hot wax, even I felt pain, her panties won’t let me shout.

Then I started to feel her paint brush for a long time, mixing colors, and so on. Punishment was applicated on my balls if unnecessary movements of her creation were disturbed. Hours have passed my eyes and member was almost down.

The Cell brought me back to reality, Ring Ring, -No it wasn’t  a night mare or a dream but reality-

Goddess Long nails, stood up, stuck her pencils brush inside my button, pick up the cell, and walked out to the next room, while she was laughing and talking, my dick started out to grow and grow like never before.

D: Canvas Slave, keep calm and be obedient without moving while drinking out with my friend.

She went into the bathroom to change her working robe, and came out with a fantastic tight latex dress combined with out of breath high heel boots. Heeling taps were killing my senses. My heart was about to bounce out of my mouth.

An strong door slam made me understood she had left, letting myself relax my annus dropped out the pencil brush, I was almost trying to untie the ropes, when  the door was opened-.

D: Dear Patricia, here is the work I am about to end up.

Patricia really got in shock.

P: Waow, amazing you really have dominated this slave as not to move at all.

D: Yes Darling, you can kick his balls. Won’t move on.

Patricia started to squeeze my balls and kick them while a diabolic laugh.

P: hahahahahaha,  your paint brush is at the floor, must have fell off.

D: You have relaxed dirty canvas slave, prepare for suffering.

Goddess Long nails, grabbed her long black whip and started distributing her effort to my low body. At the count of ten my legs were colored intensive red. After this effort, she dropped her self to the couch.

She and her friend were talking and discussing about the painting and the best way to end it up. Finally Patricia stood up and kiss each other. I heard her heel tap approaching to my back, and all the sudden an strong kick at my balls ended with my scream inhaling all the panties essence were in my mouth, textures of orgasm liquids and golden rain loss impregnated my pituitary part of my brain.

Immediately she walked to the door and slammed it. Her marvelous tapping melody set me as flaming volcano.

Goddess Long Nails, throw out her boots and wore a pair of flip-flops, a smock and another kick on my balls to drive me to reality.

D: Slave, this is a magnificent work. This needs to be kept for centuries. Hahahahahaha

My mind was frighten, my heart bumping, my ears ringing, no way to dream, she was about mummifying me, my penis were bouncing without stop.

S: Goddess Long Nails, could this canvas slave have a rest for a while?

D: Hahahahahahahahahaha, the answer is NO, my work has to be immortalized with my camera and the fixing spray has to dry out, won’t take more than 2 hours, but I am having another project coming next.

Story written by: MiniPigDH

Dedicated to Mistress Luna